Ke'ath Empire
Rulers: King Herberos (elf) & Queen Thaela (elf)
Race: Humans, Elves
Languages: Common, Elven
Religion: N/A
Capital: Katal
Symbol: Dove
Ke'ath Mainland
The Islands
The Ke’ath Empire is a large colonizing empire which has been ruled by King Herberos for over 400 years. It is mostly inhabited by humans and elves, creating tension as there are more humans but the elves have occupied the land for a far longer time. The King rules along with his many advisors, and gubernators (goobers) for each of the empire’s colonies.
Majority of its inhabitants worship gods of the Greek Pantheon, however, there is no national religion as King Herberos takes a laissez-faire approach to the topic. Although non-Olympian gods are legal to worship, they are considered taboo and people tend to do so in secret.
The slave trade and criminal organizations run rampant in the empire. However, there is no official police force to protect the people. Major cities have volunteer forces known as the “City Watch,” navy blue in color, colloquially known as the “Night Watch” at night, and collectively termed as “the Watch.” Should things get out of control, the military steps in.
Most of its citizens are fairly positive about the king, although both elves and non-elves tend to harbor some sort of (typically minor) resentment. Elves tend to think the king isn't doing enough to make sure they remain in power (as humans are now the majority in the nation). Non-elves tend to think that many of the king’s policies are discriminatory against them.
King Herberos has prohibited maps for the official reason of making naval attacks from enemies difficult. Should you create a map of Ke’ath without government permission, you would be considered a criminal or spy. Thus, information on the island’s positions are scarce, and trading between islands is handled by the maroon-colored Royal Navy. While in technicality, all maps are banned, small maps that only show a single village or city are generally ignored by the Royal Navy and the Watch. Large maps that show a complete island are dangerous territory and most people do not take this risk.
The previous king, King Keranos, spent much of his reign in one war or another, building up the Ke'ath Empire. Now, King Herberos can rule fairly peacefully, only occasionally preventing unrest.